Hover over the cards to learn more

StakeStake your NFTs to earn tokens used for everything in the Zungle! Currently only Monkeez can be staked for $MNKZ

ShopSpend your hard earned MNKZ on some items in the Zungle Item Shop! Use these items to level your Zoogz or combine them to make craftable equipables.

BattleBattle your Zoogz against each other, PVP style for MNKZ and earn GEMZ along the way! Zoogz compete by comparing their leveled stats along with a 20 sided dice roll to determine a winner.

BuildBuild your own adventure! Build on top of your land plots expanding further functionality and interactability within the Zungle

CollectExtract resources from land, or quest with Monkeez and Zoogz

CraftComplete recipes to combine resources into equipables

UpgradeUpgrade buildings increasing further functionality of the plot